NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award
Recognition granted by the local council’s NOESA committee to Eagle Scouts who have demonstrated outstanding achievement at the local, state, or regional level; unlike the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, which is a national award, the NOESA recognizes Eagle Scouts whose efforts have been made closer to home.
Who Can Earn This Award?
Presented by council NESA committees to deserving Eagle Scouts.
How to Get the Award
Every council that awards one to 100 Eagle Scouts in one calendar year may present two NOESA honors in the following calendar year. A council with 101 to 200 Eagle Scouts in a year may present three NOESAs in the following year, and continue to grant an additional NOESA for every 100 Eagle Scouts or fraction thereof awarded beyond that amount. For example, a council with 201 Eagle Scouts would be able to award four NOESA honors.
The following Housatonic Eagle Scouts have been recognized with the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award.
(Please click on their name to read more about them)